After a year of COVID-19 related restrictions, it was great to get out and reconnect with some vintage computer enthusiasts at the Second Annual Vintage Computer Federation swap meet in Wall, NJ. The event was held on April 24, 2021, and thankfully it was a beautiful day to be outside. Several vendors brought items for sale/trade, and it was great just to see many of the interesting items on offer. We were able to bring a few items that were duplicates or otherwise not needed for our collection and help others fill in gaps in their collections. The event was well attended, and everyone felt it was a great success and are looking forward to future events.
We were also excited to add a few items to our collection while helping out other collectors at the same time. Some items are shown below:

After the event, the remainder of the weekend was dedicated to repair workshops where great progress was made restoring our Commodore PET 2001-N. All in all, it was a fantastic weekend!